Mar 12, 2011

Things You Cannot Recover

A friend sent me an email the other day that had these five things that cannot be recovered in life. 

1.  The Stone.....after it's thrown
2.  The Word.....after it's been said
3.  The Occasion.....after it's missed
4.  The Time.....after it's gone, and
5.  The Person.....after they die

Here's how the above touched me - how about you?

1.  Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

2.  Choose your words wisely.  Remember that even 
    if you apologize for your hurtful words, the effects
    can last a lifetime. 

3.  Don't save stuff for a "special occasion" ... TODAY
    is that special occasion!

4.  No one promised you a tomorrow.  Live life to the fullest
   each day and be the best you can be - it's your choice.

5.  Tell your friends and family that you love them, waiting
    until it's too late wil leave you with regrets that will damage
    your soul and spirit.

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