Jun 9, 2011

Wishin' & Hopin' & Thinkin' & Prayin'

Been a long while since I shared any information - so here goes.   Had bloodwork done again yesterday - the usual feelings just like all the other times, only I am quite exhausted.  Hope this doesn't affect anything other than my snippy mood (ha ha).

Have been on a most wonderful yet exhausting journey - won't go into all the details here, as this isn't the forum for that.  Spent 16 days on a cruise, leaving Ft. Lauderdale to Bermuda (could live there in a heartbeat); Ireland; Falmouth (was sick, didn't get off the ship); La Havre, France; Dover; Rotterdam; Norway, ending in Copenhagen (loved it there, too).  Then on a plane to London, drove to Bristol, back to London for a night, then off to Chicago where I stayed with my friend, Laurie, and had the pleasure of meeting her family whom I've heard of for years.  Was wonderful to finally meet them - her sister, Patty, is everything and more than what she shared with me.  Spent five days there, then back home to my honey, dogs, and Sydney, my bird, who will be 26 years old in August.  Two days home, then off to Arizona for my niece, Alexis' graduation (See, Alexis, you are now in my blog for real, not just referred to!)

Actually was quite fearful that Sydney wouldn't be alive when I returned, as he and Tuck don't have the best of relationships.  To be truthful, no one has a good relationship with Sydney but me,  Cockatiels are known for that.  So, I politely (ok, it wasn't very polite)  reminded Tuck that Sydney is the longest male relationship I've had, and if he died of NATURAL causes while I was gone, Tuck would become the longest male relationship I will have (God willing).  HOWEVER, if Sydney died because his water didn't get changed, or food replaced, then Sydney would remain the longest male relationship I will have had.  I think Tuck understood completely.

Many things happened during my journey, but the ones I'm "wishin' & hopin'" make a difference in my health are: visiting Copenhagen which is known as the healing city (keep your fingers crossed); driving to Bath to see the Roman Baths.  Awesome to say the least, and Kelly, "Mom" Pat and I drank from the fountain that filters the water (known for healing).  Oh, my God, it tasted like shit (sorry), was warm - and we were lucky they only gave us half a glass, as I'm sure no one would be able to drink a whole one.  But I chugged it down, again, "wishin' & hopin'".  Off to Westminster Abbey - wasn't aware that the average Joe Blow citizen was able to attend a service there.  Got to hear the choir sing, but most amazing of all was the sermon that was given;  it was on Extreme Unction - now know as the annointing of the ill.  Could not believe that there I was sitting in a most beautiful church, far, far away from home, hearing a sermon to which I could totally relate.  Wow, was that meant to be or what?

So, I get my results on June 15, and I am full of hope that my numbers will be the same as they were the last time, if not better.

Oh, when I say "the last time" I think I missed telling you about my last lab results where my numbers were down from the time before.  There were a lot of happy tears that day!.  Thank the Lord for that one - the longer I can stay away from treatment, the better. 

Will definitely let you know what the results are next week - in a funny sort of way, I'm actually looking forward to it; will just keep believing that something good has to come of all my experiences this past month, I know God is listening.

1 comment:

  1. loving your blog :) stay positive, which from your posts I can see you are. Remember your never alone with Myeloma, the blog community is really helpful and if you have any questions they are always there to help out. Especially us brits as you say are very say it as it is ;)

    Take care.

